"Hang my seal around your neck, wear my seal on your finger."
Song of Solomon 8:6

We don't know exactly when lovers first shared locks of hair as a symbol of their loyalty, or when family members lovingly carried pictures of those closest to them in their jewelry. What we do know is that the urge to keep a memento of those we care about has been with us since the dawn of civilization.
In the Biblical Song of Solomon, written over 3,000 years ago, the writer desires to have his seal worn as a keepsake around his lover's neck. In those days, the seal represented a person's identity, and every person's seal was unique, much like a signature today.

When Queen Elizabeth I died, a ring was taken from her finger which she wore every day of her life. Upon examining it, her courtiers found that the ring contained a secret compartment and inside was a portrait of Queen Elizabeth herself and her mother Anne Boleyn.
It seems that even some of the most poignant leaders in history valued the idea of carrying the memory of loved ones along with them daily.

Lockets are traditionally worn as necklaces, so that the loved one can be worn close to the wearer's heart. They are often worn on long chains so that the wearer can turn the locket round and look at the image inside. Here at Ex Voto Vintage, we offer lockets on multiple chain sizes.
When worn as a bracelet or ring, the wearer can easily open and view the locket in order to gaze on the loved one's image. They have also taken many other forms, whether as attachments to a bracelet, or even tied round a wedding bouquet. Not only are photos of loved ones precious, but wearing pendants that symbolize something special to you is also a sweet way to remember someone or a special event.

Giftable Herilooms
Uniting powerful stories from the past and present, ExVoto specializes in timeless jewelry to encourage conversation, gratitude and inspire a creative spirit. We love providing lockets that can turn into a treasured heirloom for you and your family.
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