The origins of embroidery can be traced right back to ancient China, where they used to employ various different hand-sewing techniques to patch, mend, or decorate their clothing. Eventually, embroidery became a way of distinguishing between society and royalty – thanks to the creation of luxurious tapestries.*
The trend of embroidery didn’t stop there, it soon gathered pace and spread across the world and, as the practice became more commonplace, each culture would embroider patterns that were unique to them.*
We have been seeing a resurgence of embroidery this spring!
One of the brands we carry displays embroidery beautifully in each of their garments: Benares by Citrus. Benaras creative codes are based in its textile heritage. The collection reflects a subtle balance between Parisian chic and our very own traditional craftsmanship which brings a new life into the collections. Benaras collections are relaxed, providing freedom of movement. Clothes that let you breathe, is the essence of Benaras by Citrus. Every piece is highlighted with handcrafted embroidery that makes it unique, envisaging a new luxury concept.

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*information/text from