For our Mother’s Day Giveaway contest on Instagram, we asked our followers to enter by commenting with a memorable piece of advice from their mother or grandmother. We received some touching entries, some hilarious ones, and some you may have heard a few times yourself!
We thought we would share a sampling of the entries here with you as you celebrate MAMA!
“Always smile…” @wanda.reddick
“People may not remember what you say or do, but they will remember how they made you feel. A quote from Maya Angelou “ @cecereed1986
“Never trust ‘Mr. Trust Me’” - @rtsadie
“Treat others the way you like to be treated….everyday!” @mrsminnjoy
“It is better to be kind than right” @r_dulaney
“Flower or weed? It just depends on your perspective!“ @penny.jo.wyatt
"Be yourself” @paulabeale
“It’s what you do with what you got” @lbjnorris
“Never spend money you don’t have” @thecookstore
“Choose to be happy!” @suzstern
“To have a friend you have to be a friend” @therealdiane
“Always be kind, you never know what someone else is going through!” @thomaswesleysmom
“Sometimes you have to dig down deep and do the hard thing in front of you!” @courtgcoleman
“You’re never going to please everyone” @jordan_fonte
“Don’t give to receive” @maddieadcock
“Always have a pack of crackers in your purse” @kathygnorris
“Work hard for what is important; take care of the people you love, and even those you don’t!” @pathardylovell
“Life is too short to be unhappy” @meg_varnado
“Be a helper, a volunteer and try to make a difference!” @melaniegoodengrant
“Give without judgement” @erikatracy
“You are stronger than you think!” @elizabethcurtis_artist
“Never settle!“ @hannah.g.duffy
“this too shall pass” @limasu
“Men are like streetcars; there’ll always be another one along any minute” @littleprairiegirl
“Always smile!” @wanda.reddick
Follow us on Instagram to enter in to our next Giveaway!
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