For our Mother’s Day Giveaway contest on Instagram, we asked our followers to enter by commenting with a memorable piece of advice from their mother or grandmother. We received some touching entries, some hilarious ones, and some you may have heard a few times yourself!
We thought we would share a sampling of the entries here with you as you celebrate MAMA!
“Be the first to apologize” @sasagjackson
“Never leave the house without lipstick “ @snackiejipes
“Kill them with kindness” @morgan.b.beckman
“Did you pray about it??” @whatrachelwore
“My Mother and Grandmother always said to follow the golden rule! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.“ @carolmccleskeycooper
"When I was a teen: It’s not going to hurt you to look nice” @gingerhyatt
“Be kind and patient with your family, you’re not always right honey” @judycentracchio
“Be your child’s #1 cheerleader” @katyqualls
“Never go to bed angry” @mls4911
“The way you make your bed is the way you lie in it” @elle.roxy
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them...” @kristian_harlow_lafferty
“Bloom where you’re planted.” @carleyhatcliff
“Feed your body and mind by eating the rainbow.” @megmamaof2
“Make God and the church an important part of your children’s life” @lesesne7
“Be kind to yourself!” @hatcliffconstruction
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” @sherrykelly
“Never nag about his boots being left out for one day you may miss those boots sitting there” @arhea21
“You act the way You Are dressed!” @melody_merritt
“Actions speak louder than words” @jessicapeed
My mom would say,” Stand up straight, don’t slouch, you can do that when you are old.” @julieparkergarrett
“She also said it hurts to look beautiful as she was perming my hair with those small plastic rollers. It was painful and smelly. “ @__kalynn__
“this too shall pass” @stewart.partyof5
“Be kind and be obedient.” @margaret_t_h
“More wine. What was the question??” @all.fun.and.ames
“Best advice about friendship from my mama: friendships aren’t about you but how you can serve and love others well.” @marymargelee
“Go into marriage with eyes wide open. Once married keep them half-closed.” @__kalynn__
“You’ll feel better if you put a little lipstick on!” @maryannelocke
“Always do what’s right and you will come out on top” @danielle_ray_whitlock
“Never leave home with a necklace and lipstick on!” @grandbabiesgigi
“Pray about it” @ashleyhware
“Always be kind.” @honey.williams2116
“A joyful heart is good medicine” @aboozerfallon
“Before you find your handsome prince, you have to kiss a lot of frogs” @margaretmartinbonham
“She has taught me how to be selfless! She has given up her own life to try and save mine. Twice now with my battle with leukemia. She has taught me to stay strong and tell the people you live as much as you can! I am so blessed God chose me to be her daughter! I would love to spoil her for once with these BEAUTIFUL treats!!” @dani.lorson
My grandmother always told me “good things come to those who wait “ and she was right!” @dcamerio
“You’re stronger than you know” @nextdoordietitian
“Don’t forget your lips” and Build!” @ashleycmoss3
“My Mom always says, never believe anything you hear and only half of what you think you see!” @1sharper
“Time is a theif, soak it all in! Say yes to kids when they are little.” @graceshoulders
“It costs nothing to be kind. Always choose kindness.” @addielaporta
“Put your family first" Mawmaw told me this when y'all were little and we were all so "busy". Kathryn Carey shared it with her when her children were small. Southern Women trying to do it all!!” @danalynnray
“When I was in elementary school, junior high, and some of high-school, my mom would say this to me everyday. " When you leave this house you are representing me, your grandmother, and your great-grandmother.” @tamika.hawkins.980
“You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can control your reaction to them.” @katherinepope3
“Always try to be kinder than you feel” @shannonkay33
“Don’t EVER stop going after your dreams...no matter how old you are.” @griffandmel
“My mother told me at a young age that I was a big part of her world, but I wasn’t her entire world. Seems harsh, but taught me great independence and really helped me later grasp that being a well rounded woman made me a better mother.” @augustawilson
“Pour your life into others...Titus 2:2...the return on investment is worth every minute...priceless!” @vickilovefosterbaggett
“Live by example. Be humble. Admit your faults. Love the unlovable.” @ashassel
“Wear good underwear in case you have a wreck!” @espey
“My Mother would say “don’t worry about things you cannot control! That’s what Momma always told us, children” I’ve always tried to do just that!! Thanks, Mom!!” @juliaking11461
“Take the high road!” @melgtyson
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