She’s finally here! Whew. That took a minute. Actually, that took a year. Sometimes the production process can be a long, frustrating endeavor, and 2020 showed up in all it’s “2020ness” to make us a little crazy with this one. We know you all have a 2020 story of your own, as well! But you know what the best part is? When the issues get resolved, and the word comes in that the process you all labored over and tweaked to perfection finally worked, you ALL get to celebrate and cheer together! Each pendant of ours makes a trek across the country and back passing through the hands of five master craftsman as it completes each step of the production phase. The best mold maker, the best caster, the best polisher, the best plating companies (it takes two and sometimes three to create our custom finish) then back to us and ready to engrave and be made into your necklace! It’s a long journey, and our studio team has to carry it all the way through the steps and coax out all the problems, but the finished product is always worth the extra effort. Our Strathkinness Medal is finally here! It’s like we birthed a baby this year!
The Strathkinness Medal is cast exclusively for ExVoto by US artisans from an original antique Scottish medal discovered by our designer, Elizabeth Adams. While traveling in Scotland, Elizabeth found a group of perfect attendance medals from the Strathkinness School. The school medals had been awarded to Elizabeth Warden (later called “Lizzie”) each year starting in 1911. We have taken this medal, with its beautiful Maltese cross shape, and left a space in the center for your monogram to be engraved, in a circle monogram font.