Ex Voto is all about special stories, meaning, and symbolism. After all, a classic ex-voto is something given to represent gratitude or the fulfillment of a vow. We love to tell the stories that are behind the jewerly and how they came to be. Sometimes there is meaning to the piece itself or the materials used to make it. A good example are the semiprecious stones that we use! Behind most semiprecious stones there is a coordinating set of properties and meaning.
Apatite : Clarity of mind
Labradorite : protection, shielding, awakening intuitions
Turquoise : healing, protection and purity and courage
Smoky Quartz : balance
Lapis : symbol of royalty, truth and enlightenment
Amethyst : Inner strength and peace
Moonstone : protection, hope, wisdom
Aventurine : good fortune
Citrine : clarity
Jade : Good fortune
Onyx : protection, shield
Tiger-eye stone : courage, strength
Carnelian : creativity, courage, energy
So now when you go to put on one of your Exvoto pieces think about what you need for the day and accessorize accordingly! Today I need a little extra clarity of mind so I am going to wear my Mia apatite. Shop below!