ExVoto means a testament of gratitude and each of our showrooms has a dedicated space for visitors to leave their handwritten testaments of gratitude. We believe gratitude makes us healthier and happier people. There is actually a good bit of research to back this up!
The ExVoto team kicked off this gratitude project by writing their own testaments of gratitude which I sprinkled through to each showroom. Now each showroom’s gratitude space has grown to include so many more testaments left by our guests.
One Saturday I was in the Birmingham showroom and three sisters came in while enjoying a sister-getaway weekend. They found a necklace which was a perfect gift for their mother and told me about the harrowing season they had just come through as one of their sons had received a kidney transplant as a result of a battle with a rare virus. When the three sisters left, I looked over and saw that one of them had left behind two testaments of gratitude. One said, “life for Mac” and the other simply, “Mom.” I still can’t talk about it or think of it without tearing up!
I enjoy seeing new testaments appear and watching clients read the testaments left by others. I hope these gratitude “altars” encourage visitors and remind them of the people and times in their lives for which they themselves are most grateful. I think gratitude is so important. I think gratitude moves us to a more joyful state of mind.
The next time you are in one of our shops, leave behind your own testament of gratitude or just enjoy reading those left by others.
If you can’t visit us anytime soon, please leave a comment to this blog post with your own testament of gratitude! We will write a gratitude card for you and leave it in one of our gratitude spaces.